According to ayurveda, Diet is the supreme medicine. And when our diet is balanced, we would never require any medication.
Ayurveda deals with the holistic approach of healing, and covers the diet factor in depth.
Food is not only a mixture of all the basic ingredients like proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and carbohydrates but it is something which serves as a source of energy for the body mind and soul.
Food is considered to be one of the most important aspects of Ayurveda as it provides the basic nutrients which are necessary to carry out the basic activities of digestion and metabolism.
Ayurveda has categorised personality traits into three different kinds based on the food habits. Satvik or spiritual quality, Rajsik or active quality and tamsic or material quality of the mind is all affected by the food we eat.
This diet along with daily habits is crucial to the health of an individual it must be made clear at the outset that there is no standard ideal diet for all people in general as everybody has a different body structure and digestive system.
Various factors need to be kept in mind while working out the ideal diet for every individual which will be distinctly different based on the person’s specific constitutional characteristics.
In soma- The soulful kitchen,Dosha( Vata, Pitta & Kapha ) balancing food is served, resulting in ideal nourishment.Your body regenerates and balances metabolism & digestive health.